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Software Engineer by profession... Wanted to give something useful to whoever cares to scroll through this blog and I assure you readers it will be worth it..

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Self Analysis

Paulo Coelho's books made me realise how important the analysis of self is in a person's lyf... So here am just writing down some thoughts of mine which am sure would help everyone who reads this.... Self analysis should be done about each and evrything one does in their life and more importantly it should'nt be dropped as more often one tends to postone it and gradually it gets forgotten....

If you are willing to spend some time learning about yourself here are 2 easy ways of doing it
1. By penning down everything , then analysing it
2. Sitting calmly and thinking over

There is ofcourse a difference between the will to be honest and the capacity to do so... Every obstacle surmounted in overcoming this difference means understanding the inner self more which will helps to approach the next with more inner strength... So my suggestion to anyone who reads this is
" No one can go back and make a brand new start, but anyone can start now and make a brand new ending... "

So start it today to feel the difference for a better tomorrow....

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