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Software Engineer by profession... Wanted to give something useful to whoever cares to scroll through this blog and I assure you readers it will be worth it..

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pain is inevitable... Suffering is optional....

Everyone of us wish our life to be painless, but that is not what happens always... Each one of us do come across a situation where our life seems painful and miserable... That is coz its natural.. There sure will be a reason behind it..

All pain is either severe or slight, if slight, its easily endured;if severe,it'll without doubt be brief.. We cannot learn without pain

Every pain inflicted upon us by nature is to make us better. Its our approach towards it that makes the difference. Most of us think that we are only suffering and others are all happy, but that is major misconception prevailing that tends us to lose hope in life. One should understand that everyone does suffer but the attitude is what increases or decreases the magnitude of it.

Life indeed consists of "ups" and "downs". The "ups" motivate us and the "downs" teaches and corrects us.
Both of these together is what makes life interesting and the total absence of any one of it will make life monotonous and bored. So when you are suffering just have one thing in mind "This will pass for a better beginning"

The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that, you're in control of your life. If you don't, life controls you."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We humans always tend to ask the question 'Why Me?', only when we are faced with pain or problem... We never ask this question on encountering with happiness...

Having a simple saying in mind & life just help us to stay stong... and the saying is 'இதுவும் கடந்து போகும்!!'..

